At Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy, we ensure every subject of the curriculum is held in high esteem so pupils are able to experience the full benefits of the National Curriculum and grow their knowledge and skills in preparation for their next phase of education and later life. Leaders have taken considerable time to shape the curriculum, making purposeful decisions to ensure it is of the highest quality and meets the specific needs of our pupils.
We use Read Write Inc. Phonics (RWI) as we feel it gives children the best possible start.
Principles of phonics teaching at Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy:
Our phonics provision forms an integral part of our reading strategy which is shaped by the EEF’s ‘Reading House’.
Our strategy for writing combines the development of letter formation, spelling and grammatical devices with a wide range of genres built on high-quality texts which drive our curriculum.
Our approach to mathematics follows ‘Power Maths’ which is enhanced through the use of strengthening and deepening opportunities so pupils are able to master key skills and apply them to a range of problems they could face as they grow older.
Click on the links below for an overview of the curriculum for each subject area.